Friday, 14 June 2013

23. Does access to condoms irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior?

What is condoms. There is piece of material in special shape that first of all prevent from pregnancy, for this purpose it was invented. And second of all it prevent from some diseases.

      Does it irresponsible? What does word irresponsible mean? Irresponsible is person or behaviour that shows lack of responsibility. In other way spreading condoms amongst the youngster has double attitude. From the one hand when we diffuse rubber things to young people we make them a hint: sex is not easy things. Pregnancy lead to new life that will demand attention to itself for the first time, and regular sex with many partner lead to the diseases. So if you like sex, it's OK, but prevent themselves at first. But from the other hand we at the same time bless spontaneous sex. We propagate sexual relationship just for pleasure. For animal it's normal, but we are human. Finally we have bible that condemn diversity in sexual life. We can discuss for good about true Bible or not, but instruction that given their help our civilisation to survive. Now we leave in time when respect to Holy script of one part of mankind mixes with disrespect to the leads given by It from the other part of globe.

      Does it dangerous? Of course it not. But what kind of dangerous do you mean. The worst thing you can do with condom is to fill it with water and though it on the head of the strangers for the roof or balcony. But with the same success you can through the kitchen knife or piece of brick that are more easy accessible. If regard dangerous of access to condom in the way of propaganda of unleashed sexual life, to my mind, it's ridiculous, because sexual desire is in our blood and head. Hormonal explosion in young people is very difficult to curb and control. Whence life was difficult and law was harsh sexual control was part of community obligation. Bad sexual behaviour and sexual abuse punished on the spot and punishment I guess was strong enough to take control on the youngsters. Now when life is easy and law wasn't severer to boys and girls that would like to experiment with their body access to condoms isn't help to control their behaviour and prevent or advertise sex between them.

       Does access to condoms could be named as bad behaviour? Actually I am not sure that I have right to condemn that person who try to make condoms easy accessible to the young people. We live in society that struggle between the religious past and secular up-to-date. In previous time when sex was taboo for discussion it was easy to condemn that one who would like openly to talk about it. Now we live in the time when discussion is the main instrument to find the right way. And it's not obvious which way is right or wrong. Fist task of any government is prevent their citizens from the perils. Sexual diseases is one of them. Condoms is obviously help to prevent your body from these diseases. Do condoms prevent your soul? I don't know.

524 words.

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