22. Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
There is very vital question. Especially for government. Because uncontrolled birth rate increase criminal situation in society. Sexual intercourse became more available in modern time that about hundred years ago. Why does it happen. May be women and girls feel themselves more protected by law and financially that take care about child isn't problem.
After 1986 when HIV appeared on the globe condoms gain one more role, it not only prevent pregnancy but prevent disease transmission. Then easy access to the condom is vital for the health safety in society. Because all expenditure for the treatment of the sick people only can take the government.
After this free spread of the condom became popular in many country. Did it take pregnancy under control? I don't have statistic evidence. But to my mind age of the teenager who became acquaint with sex decrease. Age of children who obtain sexual experience because of the advertising of the condoms and healthy sexual life became more and more low. It can't decrease constantly, because in the nature hormonal move to the whole ready for sex person have his age. The nature of every youngster is craving for experimenting with himself and with surrounding. So that's why early pregnancy possible even if there are plenty of condoms available. Let's take in advance that younger person the less feel of responsibility has it. That's why availability of condoms can't be obstacle for the sex without condom.
Of course big rate of early birth can lead to the same early birth rate after 15 years when children which was born by children became ready to conceive.
That's why easy achieving don't guarantee low birth control. But anyway it should be easy achieving. But not only condoms, but information about responsibility for the early sex intercourse. In previous time church play some role in restraining early sexual activity. Women and girl was strongly dependent to the men's income and there were a lot of example of the women who suffered with bunch of children without any ground income. This to my mind restrain young girl to start experiment with her body and offer it to young boy. So girls wasn't easy achievable. Now because of increasing of standard of leaving there isn't problem to cope with problem for young women. That lead to more untied behaviour of young girl. They feel themselves defended in modern society. They easily naked part of their body and make a hint that they are not object against sexual contact even on one night. Of course this behaviour is a part of policy of free access to condoms. But I think only condoms don't resolve the problem.
Early birth rate depends on the sexual activity of the young girl and boy, it depend on their understanding of possible consequences and benefits.
468 words.
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