Thursday, 15 March 2012

Is cheating out of control? (401)

Is cheating out of control?

Our society and our nature of mankind is lay between the evil and good. Life is very complicated thing. And sometimes happened that something is evil for one and good for another. Just recall The Robin Hood. In the conception of the society he was robber, bugler and murder. In the other case society behave themselves at that time like robber, bugler and murder. So if the cheaters appears on the stage of society let's think before sticking to them tag: "Cheater". Because the big cheater is society and that one who sit on the top of the ladder and use all goods which is produced by the members of that society. Cheater is sort of the measure of the healthy of society. Cheaters happened in every society. But if them became a lot that mean government of the country or local government gives the possibility to exist to the cheater.

I have several examples from my life. I have been living in Ukraine. More twenty years ago Ukraine was under Soviet Union roof. Several years before dissolution of it the empire was under agony of unbalanced economy. The government of the Soviet Union became weak to take situation under control. The time of cheaters began. At first they robbed country and after some time when the came to the top of the new country they gave possibility to cheat ordinary citizens. Ordinary citizens to that period of time was different as well. Some of them was lucky one and gathered the breadcrumbs which had been falling after the great redivision of the former Russian satellite. They have money, the government was still weak, the police was corrupted. What a nice fertilized ground for cheaters. There was the time when divided began to divide again. Was it easy to take cheater under control at that time? Answer is yes and no at the same time. Under this condition there was impossible to take cheaters under control. Under supplementary condition it would be possible.

Cheater can take under control another cheater.
Yes you for sure can opposed me with example of the country where cheaters was under control of the local police and country government. Hitler's German, Stalin's USSR, Castro's Cuba and another example. But all country listed above countries is totally dictatorship country where the ruler is a great Cheater himself.

401 words

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