Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Are we too dependent on computers? (446)

Are we too dependent on computers?
Computer is resent invention which burst into our life just only several years ago and became part of our life.

Dependent what does it mean be dependent. Let's ask the same question to the peasants several hundreds years ago. Do you depend for example on the horse? Yes we always depend on something. Let's regard modern medicine or pharmacology. We depend on it as well. Any of us one or twice had viral disease which was fatal even hundred years ago. I depend on someone as someone depend on another one.

I am computer engineer and spend with computer all my working day. And this topic is close to me. I am personally dependent on computer. I recall that I ceased to lead my dairy notebook the same time computer appeared in my home. I obtained very powerful friend and would never need any piece of paper to spend my time.

My job obligation is to support special software for accountant departments, in another words I am engineer for bookkeeping. All my day I receive the calls how to do, what to do or how to improve software that it works my clients would like it to work. I remember beginning of my career. That was about 10 years ago. The software was popular at that time but all of my clients, I stress, all of them had been doing their work on computer at that days. I remember them at that time when all the bookkeeper's job did on the paper. I watch their ordinary working now when they all fully packed with modern computers, terminal servers and printers. Now they easy works with computer. They don't fear computer and sometime I try to imagine how all this people word more than fifteen years ago when computer machinery was absent in the office. They look totally dependent on computer. They forget how to do accountant's job on paper. While young bookkeeper even don't know how to this job without computer. It would be absolute nightmare when one day the electricity will disappear in their plugs. But one dependence now gradually come to another one. When we return to my memoir of how I lead my software accountant career I recall that just five years ago all of my clients, even those who was hundred kilometre from me, did need my physical appearance when they need some help or interference in bookkeeping software. Now they don't need my visit to them. All of the even poorest one has an internet connection in the office and there are a lot of software which give you possibility to do the job remotely.

446 words

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