Monday, 9 April 2012

Should cigarette smoking be banned? (479 )

Should cigarette smoking be banned?

Very complicated question with a various option to answer and long long discussion when every sides of the debate will be partially right and will not be right at the same time.
Let's regard the beginning of the smoking evolution. It evolves during the long period of time. I began at the time when medicine was in there initial state of development. At the time when mankind begin to smoke there was no any information about the harm which are caused by burning grass of tobacco. People didn't know about that fact that constant fuming marred their health, dirty their lungs and pollute the surroundings with contaminated air. During the long period of time army of smokers increased enormously whilst the knowledge about how resin which present in the dangerous smoke could destroy our body and curtail men's life.

For me the guy who once smoked and coped to quit very understandable feeling of the guy who appears for a while without a tiny cigarette in the pocket. And I can only imagine what a broil and turmoil could such a law if it would be passed by any parliament. People don't quit. Some of them quit of course. First of all that would be young people who just start to try this disgusting habit and their body isn't addicted to it properly. Some group of law-abiding citizens which were trained not to broke the law. May be there would be part of that who for a long time dreamed to quit spending money for the death.

Rest of them would resist the law for many reason. Some of the will die because for someone who's body deeply stuck in the addicted custom there will be impossible to survive without one tiny dose of the fumed poison. Couldn't afford to but tobacco illegally they doomed for the painful existence and obvious failure in the working of their body. But for the rest of them who afford themselves to find illegal nicotine the life full of adventure would begin. For someone who choose the life of smuggling and reselling drug it would be a way of earning money and source of income. There would be another group who will meet profit from this law - police, depending of the corruption level in the country someone obtain new mission, someone new source of money by bribing or supporting gangs criminal. In other way the life will begin more lively and adventurous.

The only exit in this situation I see in the right policy which mankind should produce in that way. The only way is to use part of the citizen who didn't quit smoking and didn't understand the harm of the fuming to show another part of society how harmful is smoking and may be better preserve that part form the destructive consequence of tobacco's smoke.

479 words.

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