Saturday, 26 May 2012

18. Do we have a throw-away society? (360)

18. Do we have a throw-away society?

What does it mean throw-away? It's something new for me and I have a real difficulty to lighting this to topic. Vocabulary gives us explanation about throw-away that when something was used and afterwards was thrown to the dustbin.

Mankind always throw result of its living outside. Because of this we can find out how people live many years ago.

When I was outdoors with my parents they taught me to gather all our lunch remains and dug the hole with the spade and bury it there. Thus we try to show for another hikes, or rather to conceal from them that we was there. But essence of this small story that even at that age I noticed how many things remains after us and how it is not easy to hide them from another people and thereby preserve nature from contamination.

I remember time when we used small, transparent, polyethylene bags for different domestic purpose and wash it after using. They were very strong in comparison with the modern one which is totally disposable and so thin that it is impossible to use it twice. We throw them away after first utilisation. I even don't bother to unbind it up and pounce it severely and without regret. Why I should be, this tiny bag have just fulfilled its role and will be thrown anyway.

Nature of economic is that if it doesn't produce and sell it doesn't develop. On the other hand of producing is consumption. If you don't consume your producing became weak and economic fail. I the previous time when there was another way of relationship was lucrative to produce eternal thing big, gross, heavy and so on. On that technology was weak that was another way why people produced rough and reliable things.

Now-a-day technology have changed all, our production, selling and consumption. Technology developed so quickly that if you produce something ground and expensive after some time it will be no modern and out-of-date even if their appearance would be like brand new. Such technology development to my mind was the cause of that reason why our mankind slowly but with confidence appears throw-away society.

360 words

Thursday, 10 May 2012

17. Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?

Are test scores a good indication of a school's competency?

Competency is a base of knowledge which pupil take from school programme. Of course we can check pupil or student in a different way. Today is very modern TEST, when on the one question is given four or five version and examinee should choose the correct one amidst them. It is very useful to use such way of test, because it's quit, it's could be computerized, it could be un-personal, where person is covered under the number, it could eliminate corruption and bribery, it's easy to test zillions of student during the same period of time.

My experience of test.
To be honest fate have never given my opportunity to pass the tests like described about. Once at the middle of the ninetieth I prepared for the exam called TOEFL, before this I had been studied English grammar during the year, not regularly and not successfully, to my present point of view. One of my friend who was proficiency in English offered my to pass TOEFL and explained how this test used to be built. It was something new for me because I had just finished university and all of the test and exam I had been passed was student-to-teacher or answer-the-question-on-the-paper.

Exam was only student-to-teacher like procedure. What main inconvenience I remember was waiting for your turn behind the door in the live queue. Because how well you had been preparing for exam you depend on luck, on the mood of teacher and your ability to cope with stress. We came into the class one by one and take ticket from the table from the hundred or so tickets. More over we knew contents of every ticket beforehand. In every ticket used to be two theoretical question and one practical, as I studied on the physics-mathematical area practical task was to resolve some problem, put it on the paper and explained teacher afterwards. We had some time for preparation. This subject don't give me possibility to explain how we was deft and show dexterity during this half an hour, and how we prepared for the exam by using different tricks in order to cheat and mislead the teacher.

This way of exam to my mind is obsolete. I could compare it with ancient way of education in Greece when way of education comprise walking with teacher along the street during which teacher transfer his knowledge from him to the pupil and they discuss that knowledge afterwards somewhere in the public bath or on the square. Our society develop and now that developing is very quick so that claim for exams and test changed. Modern demand for quick and efficient and effective education. Of course such a test is not all-embracing. For example my daughter isn't good at writing and don't remember correctly how to write English words. So that such way of test would be godsend to her.

489 words

Friday, 4 May 2012

Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? (480)

Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?

Law enforcement cameras placed everywhere. In the supermarkets and in the small shops, in the public place and in the automobile. It helps owner to control the business and even help police to register committed crime.

Sometimes cameras can picture you in the unattractive situation. The movie about you can be placed on the youtube without your permission.

Like every things in our life the law enforcement cameras could be as evil as good. Now low enforcement camera could be placed not only in the premises or around it but in the automobile as well. In my country in named "Registrators". Useful things I must admit. And amusing. I have seen several youtube movies on the topic: "How to speak with National police". Amusing thing but not for all. For policemen who were pictured by camera it was not amusing and sort of intrusion in their life. Not personal one but intrusion.

Law enforcement camera placed everywhere and sometime the information that you can be recorded is not placed on the right place so that you can be weakly informed about that fact you are on the spotlight. Once in the past I have read about rule, it was psychologistic rule or likely an advice to behave yourself like very world looking at you, like you are on the camera or camera placed everywhere. I tried to lead this rule for some time and frankly speaking admitted at that time that it was not easy. I got caught myself that if I was pictured by camera I would not be a hero. At that time, that was 20 years ago and we didn't hear about enforcement camera at all. Now this camera situated everywhere.

But if we contemplate rigorously on the topic law enforcement cameras are useful thing and only partially intrude in your personal life. In this case they are not intrusion in your life. When you go outside of your private apartment your declare to the world that you are public person and from this point of view all you doing is public affair and picturing you is not intrusion in your life. More over owner of the camera do this not for spotlighting your personally, because for his you are only part of his business, but to lead properly his own business. In that case you are not a person you are average person. And as said in one proverb when died one person it is tragedy, but when one million of people it is statistic. Statistic is impersonal thing like is recording the situation around proper spot. More over it is forbidden to place camera at the really personal places like WC or bath. In this case if some pervert owner do this it is intrusion in person personal life and moreover it is a crime.

480 words

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Are cell phones dangerous? (506 )

Are cell phones dangerous?

There is very interesting topic. More over very vital at the moment. Especially for me. I concerned about hazardous of cell phone. Several years ago I had any phone. Now I had two. One of them even doesn't has a model name just Nokia on the top. And this concern me because when I am talking on it this device heats enormously.
As a physics I know that the phone receive and radiate electromagnetic wave. Receiving electromagnetic waves isn't dangerous. It's like listening to the radio. But radiation of this wave isn't so simple. When I was a student I heard a lot of story from the guy who had had their army service at radar station. Radar is a big device, like a big car or sometime like a small building, at least in my mind, on part of it is radiolocator. Or radar set - it is a big plate which in fact made radiation and received it when radiated wave return from the reflected object. There power of the radiation should be very intense because the object used to be "enemies" plane or rocket. And these guys told scary story about how they throw the stray cats on this plate and how long these poor creatures had been living afterwards, how painfully they lost their fur and how they run away and probably dies somewhere under the thicket. Or the story about the officer who occasionally appeared on the working plate of radar just for several seconds and afterwards lost his ability to satisfy women with his magic finger.
Waves which let by the radiolocator have the same nature as the wave which radiate by the sun or X-ray. They have wavelength, but the nature is same. We know properly how dangerous is X-ray or exposing body on the heating sun. We know well how dangerous is wave emitted by radiolocator. But we don't realize well that the same wave discharged by our tiny-tiny mobile device. We don't realize the wave released by Wi-Fi devises could deteriorate our health. This way like radiation invisible and in the small dose couldn't substantially destroy our outer and inter body. But they work and eventually mankind will realize the dangerous which came to us in the new form of diseases.
I guess that parameter of emitted radiation of every phone should be on the top or at least on back cover of the phone so that people could compare and make decision which phone to buy.
I personally use phone very often and sometimes forget the jeopardy of the microwave emitted to my brain and have tiny hope that may be this wave isn't so dangerous, at least on my phone. But anyway how dangerous would be phone or Wi-Fi our competitive civilisation couldn't refuse from it. Because our life is constant running and that nation who refuse from that run has danger to appear under the influence of that who didn't refuse from the round and could easily enslave romantic nation.

506 words.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Should cigarette smoking be banned? (479 )

Should cigarette smoking be banned?

Very complicated question with a various option to answer and long long discussion when every sides of the debate will be partially right and will not be right at the same time.
Let's regard the beginning of the smoking evolution. It evolves during the long period of time. I began at the time when medicine was in there initial state of development. At the time when mankind begin to smoke there was no any information about the harm which are caused by burning grass of tobacco. People didn't know about that fact that constant fuming marred their health, dirty their lungs and pollute the surroundings with contaminated air. During the long period of time army of smokers increased enormously whilst the knowledge about how resin which present in the dangerous smoke could destroy our body and curtail men's life.

For me the guy who once smoked and coped to quit very understandable feeling of the guy who appears for a while without a tiny cigarette in the pocket. And I can only imagine what a broil and turmoil could such a law if it would be passed by any parliament. People don't quit. Some of them quit of course. First of all that would be young people who just start to try this disgusting habit and their body isn't addicted to it properly. Some group of law-abiding citizens which were trained not to broke the law. May be there would be part of that who for a long time dreamed to quit spending money for the death.

Rest of them would resist the law for many reason. Some of the will die because for someone who's body deeply stuck in the addicted custom there will be impossible to survive without one tiny dose of the fumed poison. Couldn't afford to but tobacco illegally they doomed for the painful existence and obvious failure in the working of their body. But for the rest of them who afford themselves to find illegal nicotine the life full of adventure would begin. For someone who choose the life of smuggling and reselling drug it would be a way of earning money and source of income. There would be another group who will meet profit from this law - police, depending of the corruption level in the country someone obtain new mission, someone new source of money by bribing or supporting gangs criminal. In other way the life will begin more lively and adventurous.

The only exit in this situation I see in the right policy which mankind should produce in that way. The only way is to use part of the citizen who didn't quit smoking and didn't understand the harm of the fuming to show another part of society how harmful is smoking and may be better preserve that part form the destructive consequence of tobacco's smoke.

479 words.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Should animals be used for research? (616 )

Should animals be used for research?

Yes of course animals should be used for research. Except one kind of animal which is Man or Women of course. Because in that case it will be a murder. Just imagine that we forbid to you animal to take part in any kind of research. But at the same time don't forbid to grow it for food. Any plant who grows animal after this could be accused in research, because in order to grow animals properly you need to made different experiment on and not on behalf of mankind but on account of good business.

We live in democratic society now, mostly of us do and may be in dictators country such a discussion would be impossible. So for forbidding to make an experiment on the animals we do need to persuade our parliament for voting for the law which could forbid the research on the animals. I am not sure that our parliament vote for this.

Animals take a very great part in the research on behalf of mankind health and progress. But first of all this is not first mission which lead animals during the thousands year of our cooperative existence. From the ancient time animals have been feeding us, taking us a clothes and decoration, and finally last hundred or so years man learn how to use them in their research.

That is mean that Research is one kind of violence against the animals. Of course one can assert that when we use the animals for feeding and covering our body is not same as we use animals in medicine or in another researches like in cosmos. If you remember the very first who saw the earth from the space ware dogs. Is it cruel eat them and kill them. Yes it's cruel. Just imagine mammals have almost the same internal intestine, cardiovascular and another systems, and there is one of the reason why we, people, use them in our research. Would it be kind it we use the man or women in research by using the same reason. No it will be criminal. But for animals to whom we give possibility to be born we could. Is it against the law of the universe? Is it against of law of the God? I am not sure about the first question but for the second different religion which are a mirror of the God will, don't forbid to kill animal for food. Of course some of them has preference or to be exact selective ban for eating some kind of animals, but they don't prohibit to kill the for food or for clothes at all. Why should we be ceased before the possibility to use our younger, on the scale of evolution, friends to be used in experiment which finally will help people to survive or live more quality life.

Let's imagine one of country decides to forbid to use it into experiment. But at first we need to specify what is experiment. Does it be an experiment if we don't give an animal some kind of food for one day. Sure it will be an experiment because at that case we infringe the ordinary way of life of the animal in order to see how they will behave themselves. After some time the new kind of sick begins to spread among the, not people this time amongst the animal, they will die very quickly, because experiment have forbidden and illness was unresearched. After some time I am sure would die even that people who voted for that law or they would have changed there mind under pressure of fear.

(616 words)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet? (443))

Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet?

There are three main group of parents who can be considered on the topic. First of them is busy and they don't have time to muse about the topic. This kind of parents because of their business have the same attitude towards their offspring. Second group of parents situated on the another pole. They totally beware of internet and they try to be conciousness about the behaviour of their children into the internet.

To my mind internet is whole copy of our ordinary life. Though avalanche of information and easy way to access it brings to our life and relationship some new kind of perception. Internet still stay the mirror of our soul, man's soul, and women of course. That's mean that if it's dangerous sometime and somewhere to walk in the dark time of life because of different hazardous situation. The same can happen into internet. Internet gives us possibility to access what we want and at the same time it gives possibility divers and sundry cheaters access us.
Cheater in at all age of the mankind and all inhabitance of people liked crowd of people. They liked to fish in trouble water. So the main cheaters infamous themselves in the big society. How to access the guy with money. First of all you need to access the places where they lives. In previous time that was big cities. Now because of internet you can access them on-line. It rests only to prepare nice bait.

Third group of parents is that one who understand dangerous of internet and sometime try to take control over their children.
Main role in this have to play media. To this time we happened to meet only solitary instances about different bad people on-line. Maybe if they will be much more of them media should inform us about this. There is rumour circulated around internet that old guy can cover themselves under the avatar of young girl and can have on-chat with young girl. Our group of criminal can use bride idea in order to use it to cheat young men.

I am sure most of the parents are aware of hazardousness of internet. But in the most case it's very difficult totally cover our children under the parents umbrella. If you take whole control or even forbid internet in you home for you child, He or she easy can access it at their friends apartment, internet club or even wife device.

To my mind main part in this sea of information should be information about cases that we - the parents can eliminate it from our lifes.

443 words

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Are we too dependent on computers? (446)

Are we too dependent on computers?
Computer is resent invention which burst into our life just only several years ago and became part of our life.

Dependent what does it mean be dependent. Let's ask the same question to the peasants several hundreds years ago. Do you depend for example on the horse? Yes we always depend on something. Let's regard modern medicine or pharmacology. We depend on it as well. Any of us one or twice had viral disease which was fatal even hundred years ago. I depend on someone as someone depend on another one.

I am computer engineer and spend with computer all my working day. And this topic is close to me. I am personally dependent on computer. I recall that I ceased to lead my dairy notebook the same time computer appeared in my home. I obtained very powerful friend and would never need any piece of paper to spend my time.

My job obligation is to support special software for accountant departments, in another words I am engineer for bookkeeping. All my day I receive the calls how to do, what to do or how to improve software that it works my clients would like it to work. I remember beginning of my career. That was about 10 years ago. The software was popular at that time but all of my clients, I stress, all of them had been doing their work on computer at that days. I remember them at that time when all the bookkeeper's job did on the paper. I watch their ordinary working now when they all fully packed with modern computers, terminal servers and printers. Now they easy works with computer. They don't fear computer and sometime I try to imagine how all this people word more than fifteen years ago when computer machinery was absent in the office. They look totally dependent on computer. They forget how to do accountant's job on paper. While young bookkeeper even don't know how to this job without computer. It would be absolute nightmare when one day the electricity will disappear in their plugs. But one dependence now gradually come to another one. When we return to my memoir of how I lead my software accountant career I recall that just five years ago all of my clients, even those who was hundred kilometre from me, did need my physical appearance when they need some help or interference in bookkeeping software. Now they don't need my visit to them. All of the even poorest one has an internet connection in the office and there are a lot of software which give you possibility to do the job remotely.

446 words

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Is cheating out of control? (401)

Is cheating out of control?

Our society and our nature of mankind is lay between the evil and good. Life is very complicated thing. And sometimes happened that something is evil for one and good for another. Just recall The Robin Hood. In the conception of the society he was robber, bugler and murder. In the other case society behave themselves at that time like robber, bugler and murder. So if the cheaters appears on the stage of society let's think before sticking to them tag: "Cheater". Because the big cheater is society and that one who sit on the top of the ladder and use all goods which is produced by the members of that society. Cheater is sort of the measure of the healthy of society. Cheaters happened in every society. But if them became a lot that mean government of the country or local government gives the possibility to exist to the cheater.

I have several examples from my life. I have been living in Ukraine. More twenty years ago Ukraine was under Soviet Union roof. Several years before dissolution of it the empire was under agony of unbalanced economy. The government of the Soviet Union became weak to take situation under control. The time of cheaters began. At first they robbed country and after some time when the came to the top of the new country they gave possibility to cheat ordinary citizens. Ordinary citizens to that period of time was different as well. Some of them was lucky one and gathered the breadcrumbs which had been falling after the great redivision of the former Russian satellite. They have money, the government was still weak, the police was corrupted. What a nice fertilized ground for cheaters. There was the time when divided began to divide again. Was it easy to take cheater under control at that time? Answer is yes and no at the same time. Under this condition there was impossible to take cheaters under control. Under supplementary condition it would be possible.

Cheater can take under control another cheater.
Yes you for sure can opposed me with example of the country where cheaters was under control of the local police and country government. Hitler's German, Stalin's USSR, Castro's Cuba and another example. But all country listed above countries is totally dictatorship country where the ruler is a great Cheater himself.

401 words

Monday, 12 March 2012

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? (338)

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble.

Ok. I do need to uncover this topic. Frankly speaking statement of question is quite new to me. I have never thought about this. But I guess this idea can be used for the passionate discussion. I do need to divide this topic on the three main part. What kind of park it would be. First of all compare teenager and adult.

Let's compare teenager and adult they have almost the same appearance, except that adult looks not so fresh, it has the same part of body, two legs, two arm, one head, etc. But inside them you can see a very big gap. Their chemistry is totally different. When baby becomes a child and after this came into the adolescent age the sudden chemistry change happens in it body. And body by itself begins to change. I recall my first experience to drink alcohol. It was at the eighth grade or ninth and I was so exited when I feel the my brain gained new feeling. I was going to do many rash and thoughtless things. I didn't actually. Thanks God. And I recall another experience when I stayed in hostel at Carpathian mountains where we were at the same room wish "gang" of teenagers who was deadly drunken and behave themselves very noisily. They were fifteen like me when I have done my first gulp of wine. Their noise bothered me a lot but I understood them and even share my part of vodka which was enough for us. I regard them stupid young child that I was many years ago. Finally when all alcohol was drunk they went to bad.
We had different chemistry inside us though for stranger or extraterrestrial we looks the same. I was adult and didn't need any supervision. They was youngsters who escaped from their parents and tried to take from freedom all that it could take to them.

Second part I am going to describe what does it means curfews. Actually I never live under the law of curfews and don't know what does it means for my freedom. Sometimes we came home late when we pay a visit to our friends. When I was young I dated or visited my girlfriends in the dormitory and my return was far from midnight.

338 words.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

8. Do we have a fair taxation system? (413)

8. Do we have a fair taxation system?

Life of the people always needs expenditure. Expenditure for everything war, utility, disasters etc. Man or women is a greedy person. The needs always have been exceeding every time. Scientists show that needs of the person change during their satisfaction.

I guess every nation has that kind of taxation system they deserve. I from time to time reflect upon this problem. Why one country has different taxation system than another.

1) Compare with life when there was not society.
Let's deep down to the time when there were not so many inhabitants on the earth and people can live kind of more free from each other. There was a lot of what to eat and what to drink, though there were many riddle for mankind. People didn't think about future a lot. They went for the hunting when recently killed mammoth had been finished. All they need was themselves and bunch of stones that laid down under the feet. Do they need taxation. Sure no.

Developing of the society when people began to create some kind manufacture come to the idea of changing. Changing create value of change first that was another goods, but finally mankind came to the money system. Simultaneously people came to the more structured group of society. That was more organized society when small group of people can subdue another lager group of people and compel them to work more organized way thus increase efficiency of satisfying peoples needs. More over these small groups of people saddled the idea that there is an easy way not to produce but to take what is produce from another group of guy. These two reason, first money, second need to sustain own structure leaded mankind to the idea of gathering money from their own members. From the first time taxation system was very unfair. Because nobles paid nothing at the same time slaves paid all or defeated nation paid all. At that time no one was insured against lost everything in the struggle for paying less that another. Moreover system wasn't fair as well because taxation made by sight and always was exaggerated. At this place would be appropriate to mention joke about some greedy lord who sent their subordinate to take tax till the citizens of the area began to laugh. " Now! Enough! If they laugh that's mean they real have nothing to give." - exclaimed satisfied by this taxation system sovereign.

413 words.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

7. Is a lottery a good idea? (309)

7. Is a lottery a good idea?

Lottery is part of ancient business named gambling. Game of chance was part of the society scourge. Sometimes prostitution named one of the very old profession. Gambling is the same. Games of chance was ancient pastime. But gambling isn't exist without money. During the game of chance one person win money another lost it. Moreover if one lost money he lost not only his own money but money of his family. Gambling is sometime very filthy occupation. Because for someone gambling became part of the earning money and they began to use different tricks in order to win. That's how cheating in gambling is always waddle hand in hand. Gambling was different during the age of mankind. For me gambling in ancient time is dirty eating-house, filthy pirates roll the dice. During the game they shout and yell at each other. Sometimes they fight with each other. Another picture playing card in the high society. The aristocracy and nobility in the spacious hall plays card. They don't shout and scream at each other. So from this two picture from my memory I made a conclusion that people do need to gamble. And if the need to gamble that means that if society, in modern case, it is government of the country, don't take the gambling under control, it would be taken by criminals. Because gambling is part of the person nature. And argument that there are hundred of persons who lead their life without gambling or lottery isn't an argument. Just recall how nonalcoholic law was implemented in USA. During the two tens years criminals made very big money on desire to drink and to gamble. Gambling was not prohibited but during the game drinking was easily spread among the participant. That's why government should organize lottery in order take control over the ardor to spend money on gambling.

309 words.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

6. Should men get paternity leave from work? (413)

Should men get paternity leave from work?

There is a very interesting question. And answer to it is simple for me. Moreover I have no idea how to develop this topic and write thousand words on such blunt topic. Of course man can get paternity leave from work. And for several reasons. First reason is when he earn not so much money than her wife. Second if he want to stay at home and take care for children or child. But in this case I feel a bit pity for him. Because it, paternity leave, seems a bit miserable for man. I don't know how the maternity feeling cherished to women. Is it a part of God's creation which given to our most beautiful part of the mankind or this habit or instinct was developed during the long way of evolution. But women have some kind of inner gear inside them to take care of children. This gear is inside even small girl. Girls used to play dolls from the tiny age and this is not an obvious attempt to follow fashion there is the inner instinct inherent to women.

That's why I have some dual feeling to the man who want to take a maternity, sorry, paternity leave. I feel sorry about him. Because probably he can be some sort of loser. Or he earn not so much money as do his wife. Or I even don't imagine another situation which can justify such a move. Man should be first in the family such behest of the God and nature of man and woman.

The decision that the man goes to maternity or for our example paternity leave is not come accidentally. And if women first ask about this she can

Man who don't want to take care about the child or children have a lot of excuse. Moreover he has a lot of pretext to elude from this obligation, for accidentally forget to feed child or unintentionally don't notice that child have some need or they behave themselves awkwardly with child. And women always angrily take their role as mother. Women always behave anxiously concerning their own babies. Most of the women want to have a baby badly even if some specimen of their array refuse this fact. Women and baby does it exist more beautifully depicted view. They can defend their babies very boldly and bravely and sometimes brightly. Women can

Women follow this instinct blindly without and logic explanation.


Friday, 6 January 2012

Is torture ever acceptable? (349)

Very strange topic. What the authors of this topic would like us to answer. They answer is simple. Of course torture is unacceptable. No it's clear answer they are unacceptable. But how can I develop the topic. How can I fill the post with approximately one thousand words. Tell me guys.

Let's discuss with imaginable guy inside me who are so crazy enough that contends opposite notion. He assumes that what a stupid topic, of course torture is acceptable. More over he assert that torture is recommended to use kindergartens, schools, offices, military, police station and prisons etc. Because the torture is a key of society development. It's impossible to imagine our mankind without tortures. Person's body is lazy by its nature. That's why we sometime do need to propel it to move and good punch is that engine which urge.

Torture is not the same as punishment or occasional punch. Torture is enormous pain caused by one person deliberately to another person in order to reveal some information or obtain result.

Torture is a pristine way to resolve the problem. I guess it's sometime emotional issue of the person.

Let's look where tortures more often used to apply. At war. Doesn't matter is it war between countries, or war between police and gangsters, or war between government and opposition.

So why person use torture against another person. Is it part of person mind or is it illness which we do need to eradicate from society by torturing bad guy who use torture in the life. We people life on constant war with each other. Our nature is to tend to improving our prosperity. Well-being is a key for rivalry that we people scattered around the globe and a thousand years history. We tend for longing for better life than another person. From this time begin competition which turns into rivalry which turns into confrontation which turns into opposition which turns into conflict which turns into animosity and which finally turns into war. Low of was: don't feel sorry for your enemy because he won't be sorry for you.

349 words.